Thursday, May 28, 2015

Post #9 Matthew Gravel

Describe your experience of forming the team.
 It was a difficult process but in the end it turned out better than i thought it would.
How did you determine who will do what?
 We just talked about it the day it was signed to us. We tried to even out all the work.
How was the role decided?  Did you have problems with the assignment of the role?
 We made the most responsible person the highest role and the least responsible the lowest role. No we would assign each other work and we all agreed on it.
How did you communicate with each other? During class, by email? Collaboratively or individually?
 During class we would always make sure everyone was working on the assignment.
Did you have problems with communication?
 Sometimes because group members could've been absent that day.
Did you have quality control?  Did your Creative Director overlook the quality of everyone's work?
 Yes, our highest role made sure everyone's work was decent enough for an A
With the clients, did you find your own and did our own work or work collaboratively on each project?  If so, describe your roles? I found my own, but danielle had to help john find a client but they worked it our professionally. John and Danielle worked with danielle's cousin and mom. I worked with my ex football coach.

As a team, were you able to meet the satisfaction of your clients by providing professional customer service, quality work and meeting the deadlines?  Please share any positive or negative experience and how as a team, you resolve these issues? Yes we all made the deadlines that were assigned. All of our clients liked the work that we did and we were happy to work with them. The only negative thing we had was finding clients, that was really hard for us to do.

Overall, how well did you work with your team?
 I think we did a 9 out of 10 because we finished our work but we had to push each other a lot. But that's what teams do for each other.
What have you learned? Did you have any regrets?  What would you do differently?
 I learned a lot more about photo shop and illustrator. I don't have any regrets with my team or my designs. I wouldn't do anything different, i enjoyed every moment with my team.
Rate your overall experience working with your team.  
9 out of 10 because we were very successful with our clients. We even meant the deadlines that were assigned with the class. 

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