Monday, March 2, 2015

Post #3

What is the first step to work with the a client? To convince your client that your designs are perfect.
List details of the job. Make sure you know what the client wants, have a deadline, and if needed make a schedule. 
Why is a schedule so important? Clients appreciate punctuality. If you make a schedule you'll be setting yourself up for success and it'll be easier to meet your deadlines. 
List 5 points to present yourself professionally discussing your work to a client. Be respectful. Listen to your client. Give them options. Be confident. Remind them why they hired you. What is the reason that 16% of the clients leave? Dissatisfaction 
What is proper phone etiquette? Not leaving countless voicemail messages or calling clients first thing in the morning, really late at night or on the weekends. Also, avoid talking to your clients when you're in a bad mood and or any other time when your brain isn't working at full speed.
Should you share personal problems? No, sharing all of your personal problems when they ask how you’re doing creates for an awkward situation. Unless you’re client is a close friend, they don’t want to hear about your sick uncle, car problems or financial troubles.
What is the difference between offering advice and dictating opinion? 
Offering advice is when you help someone in a nice manner. When you are dictating opinion you do it in a demanding way that could be really rude.

 What is the best way to exceed client expectation?
 You want to help your client's business succeed and develop great designs for them. You could also be really clear with your goals that you want to make.

What is the best way to save time while working  with your client?
 If you stick with a schedule that you made with your client less time will be wasted.

What is a down payment?
A payment made when you buy something using credit. 
 What is a contract?
 An agreement made with someone stating that you will do something. signed by you

What is in a contract?
An agreement made between two people or businesses stating you will agree to certain terms
What should you provide with your contract?
Have a backup plan if the agreements in the contract don't work as planned. 
 How should you estimate a price?
 When you estimate a price you want something in that ball park because most likely they will offer lower than you offer

What is a kill fee?
If the contract states that they will give you a bigger percentage in your pay if things don't go as planned, as the contract states the plan. 
What is the delivery process? Describe the steps involved?
It is a process describing a complete and thorough of a project that you are thinking of. It will get rid of all the things that you don't need in the project. It will get rid of clients that don't want to work with the  project you are trying to do. 

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