Friday, March 27, 2015

Post #6 Danielle Bacon

Who was your client?
My mom, Janice Bacon

 How did you get your job?
My mom asked me to make her a logo for her work so i did so.

Did you deal with the client directly?
I made a contract and had her sign it and got to work immediately

Was there some sort of compensation?
CSL hours 

What was your role?
I designed a logo and blended colors together

Did you act professionally? *
Yes i did act professional. i did everything asked of me.

Did your client act professionally?*
Yes she did act professional. because it was dealing with her work and it was something she wanted.

Describe the work you did.
I went on photoshop and switched Arcadias school colors just like she asked to orange. Then i found an apache logo and changed the font of the text and put it in white.

Describe your creative process.
It took me a while to figure out how i wanted the logo to look. I tried to make it as professional as possible. i matched the colors with the text and blended in the apache with the text and the background.

How often did you communicate with your client?*
I communicated with her alot to figure out exactly what she wanted on the logo.

Did you have regular meetings to look over proofs or progress of work?

Were you able to meet the deadline?

What was the feedback from your client?
She was extremely happy about the design and loved how it looked.

Did your client require changes?
No she enjoyed what it looked like.

What was your favorite part working with the client?
Easy to communicate with

What was your least favorite part working with the client?
I dont have a least favorite part.

Would you do anything differently?
If she asked me to i would ajust and make changes

What did you learn from this experience?
there are more to making logos its how you blend things together to make colors work.

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