Thursday, March 26, 2015

Post #6 Matthew Gravel

Who was your client?
  My client is my football coach, Matt Castaneda.

How did you get your job?
 I asked my coach that i needed a client for graphics and told him i could make cool designs for him.

Did you deal with the client directly?
 Yes i asked him at football practice.

Was there some sort of compensation?
 Yes, community service hours for creating the design.

What was your role?
 My role was to make the design that he would send me, he said i could change things around but he wanted something similar.

Did you act professionally?
 Yes i asked him in a mature way during practice.

Did your client act professionally?
 He acted very professional towards the subject.

Describe the work you did.
 I made a design for football that was made up of different shapes,numbers, and letters.

Describe your creative process.
 I used adobe illustrator and created the design using the pen tool. I also had to use the the text tool to spell out the letter that was written on the design.

How often did you communicate with your client?
I talked to my coach everyday at practice. Except Saturday and Sunday.

Did you have regular meetings to look over proofs or progress of work?
I sent him pictures during the process of my work to see if he would like it or not.
Everything worked out great.

Were you able to meet the deadline?
Yes the deadline was Friday, i just need to print out the sticker but the printer was giving me problems on Thursday.

What was the feedback from your client?
My client loved everything about the design, the color, the design, now he just wants the sticker.

Did your client require changes?
No not at all he liked everything about it.

What was your favorite part working with the client?
That he is my coach so it was easy to communicate with him on a daily basis.

What was your least favorite part working with the client?
Making the sticker because the printer was giving me problems, it wouldn't let me print the rough draft.

Would you do anything differently?
No, i was very happy with the design and my client was too.

What did you learn from this experience?
Working with a client is fun when it is someone you know because you can connect with them over a design that you made for them.

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