Friday, March 27, 2015

Post #6 - John Vera

Who was your client? Alexis Bacon, employee of Chandler's playhouse.
How did you get your job? We asked if she needed any graphic work for her job.
Did you deal with the client directly? No, one of my colleagues did.
Was there some sort of compensation? CSL hours.
What was your role? I designed their company a logo.
Did you act professionally? * Yes.
Did your client act professionally?* Yes.
Describe the work you did. I made a logo. 
Describe your creative process. I thought about what would look good to represent a day care and I came up with a rainbow and kids. 
How often did you communicate with your client?* Before and after the completed work.
Did you have regular meetings to look over proofs or progress of work? No.
Were you able to meet the deadline? Yes.
What was the feedback from your client? She liked the logo.
Did your client require changes? No.
What was your favorite part working with the client? Delivering her my work.
What was your least favorite part working with the client? There was none.
Would you do anything differently? Nope.
What did you learn from this experience? Making logos are fun.

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